This page contains a list of talks and podcasts that I have presented over the years with links to slides and recordings.

2025: Rackspace Spot - On demand Kubernetes Clusters with Spot instances, CNCF Chennai 📝

2020: Life of a container, Kubernetes Forum, India 📝 📽️

2018: Story of a kubectl command, Open Source Summit, Europe 📝

2018: Story of a kubectl command, DevConf India 📝

2018: Bringing Habitat awesomeness to Kubernetes, DevConf India 📝

2018: How the Habitat-operator brings Habitat awesomeness to Kuernetes, ChefConf US 📝

2018: A note on distributed computing, Papers We Love, Bangalore 🔗

2016: APICalypse Podcast with DoSelect 🎙️️

2025: Avoiding common pitfalls of datetime from a webapp’s perspective, Pycon India 📝 📽️